Saturday 12 March 2011

Double Page Spread Final Draft

This is the final draft of my music magazine double page spread. I made some changes based on the feedback i received: i added more text to the article so that is now a similar size to most music magazine double page spread articles, i made the circles bigger so that the article fits into the circles, i changed the colour of the text so that it is easier to read, i added a title at the top of the page so that it doesn't look as empty.

Contents Page Final Draft

This is the final draft of my music magazine contents page. I made some changes based on the feedback that i received: I put the titles of the articles into boxes in order to make the page more organised, I changed the colour of the box and the text in the bottom box so that it no longer blends in to much with the photograph.

Front Cover Final Draft

This is the final draft of my music magazine front cover. I made some changes based on the feedback that i received: i added another pug in order for the cover to look less bare,

Friday 18 February 2011

Double Page Spread Draft 1

This is the first completed draft of my magazine double page spread. It contains all the features of a conventional music magazine double page spread: photograph, article, pulled out quote, title, page numbers.

When i asked people in my class for feedback, they said: the photograph isn't very effective as it is on a block background, the circles are effective because they are the same as the circles on the contents page and front cover, the pulled out quote is effective.

Double Page Spread Draft 2

This is the second draft of my magazine double page spread. I decided to make some changes based on the feedback that people gave me. I changed the photo and no longer have a block background, i moved the circles around so that they circle the photogarph and are not all placed on one side of the photograph.

Contents Page Draft 1

This is the first completed draft of my magazine contents page. It contains all the features of a conventional music magazine contents page: letter from the editor, photograph, article names and article page numbers, a small photograph of the front cover.

When i asked people in my class for feedback, they said:
The text at the bottom of the page is a very similar colour to the the colour of the clothing on the photograph which makes it difficult to read, it is difficult to know which sections of the contents belong to which sections as they are not placed in boxes, the 'contents page' section is efefctive as it is the same as the masthead on the front cover.

Existing Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis - Billboard Magazine

This is the contents page for an issue of Billboard magazine. Billboard magazine is a music magazine that targets a similar audince as my magazine does.

The page is clearly set out into sections for the different types of article, there is also a collum on the left side of the page with a separate section which contains the music charts at the time the magazine is released. The page has four photographs from different pages of the magazine, this is effective as the reader can look at one of the photographs and immedietly know which page the corresponding article is on.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Front Cover Draft 1

This is the first completed draft of my magazine front cover. It contains all the features of a conventional music magazine front cover: photograph, splash, masthead, pugs, date, price, barcode.

When i asked people in my class for feedback, they said:
The background shouldn't be a block colour as it isn't very effective, the masthead is effective, the pugs and the splash fit nicely around the photograph.

Thursday 6 January 2011

My Music Magazine Logo Analysis

This is my magazine logo.

I decided to use a simple design for the logo because i think that it is more effective than a complicated design would be. I have used my main font on the logo - minipop, i have used this fornt throughout as i think it will appeal to my target market of teenage girls. I have used the colour pink for my logo as it appeals to teenage girls, as does the red text on the logo, and i will use these coloyrs throught my magaine too. I used two variations of the colour pink as it makes the logo more eye-catching and effective. My logo will be placed on the top left corner of my magazine cover as this is where the reader's eyes go to when initially looking at a magazine cover.

Existing Magazine Logo Analysis

This is the logo for Bilboard music magazine.

The logo is simple yet effective; the bold black writing and simple font contrasts greatly from the red, yellow and blue coloured circles in the logo.

My logo will contain bright colours as my target market is teenage girls. I don't plan on using any dark colours, such as black in my logo.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Existing Music Magazine Analysis

This is the front cover of Billboard magazine, it is a music magazine that targets a similar market as my music magazine - teenage girls. I will analyse this cover in order to help me with my own magazine cover.

The photograph is in the centre of the cover which is conventional for all magazine front covers. The photograph covers part of the masthead which shows that the magazine is confident that it has a large target market that will recognise the magazine even with part of the masthead is not showing. The cross-heads fit around the guitar which makes the cover look organised.

The clothes that Miley Cyrus is wearing match the background picture. This helps the cover look profesional.

Existing Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis

This is the front cover of Billboard magazine, it is a music magazine that targets a similar market as my music magazine - teenage girls. I will analyse this cover in order to help me with my own magazine cover.

Taylor Swift is looking directly at the camera/reader, this is effective as it catches the reader's attention. The photagraph is positioned in the centre of the page which is conventional for any magazine. Therefore I will position my photograph in the centre of the page. The photograph covers up part of the masthead as Billboard is a popular magazine with a huge target market so it is confident enough to cover part of the masthead. My magazine will have a smaller target market, therefore I will not cover the masthead with the photograph.

The colour of the magazine cover's background is grey, this matches Taylor Swift's clothing which is white. Her blonde hair and pale make-up also match the mise-en-scene of the cover. This is effective because the cover looks professional.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Double Page Spread With Article

This is my double page spread with article, i decided to add text into the circles because i thought it looked effective and quite different from what most teenage magazines do.