Wednesday 5 January 2011

Existing Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis

This is the front cover of Billboard magazine, it is a music magazine that targets a similar market as my music magazine - teenage girls. I will analyse this cover in order to help me with my own magazine cover.

Taylor Swift is looking directly at the camera/reader, this is effective as it catches the reader's attention. The photagraph is positioned in the centre of the page which is conventional for any magazine. Therefore I will position my photograph in the centre of the page. The photograph covers up part of the masthead as Billboard is a popular magazine with a huge target market so it is confident enough to cover part of the masthead. My magazine will have a smaller target market, therefore I will not cover the masthead with the photograph.

The colour of the magazine cover's background is grey, this matches Taylor Swift's clothing which is white. Her blonde hair and pale make-up also match the mise-en-scene of the cover. This is effective because the cover looks professional.

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