Thursday 16 December 2010

Existing Magazine Front Cover Photograph Analysis

I wanted to look at existing magazine front cover photographs that target the same market as me: teenage girls. Sugar is one of the most popular magazines that has the target market of teenage girls.

The front cover contains a photograph that has Rihanna looking directly at the audience; this is effective because it catches the reader's attention. Rihanna is smiling which reflects the target audience of Sugar magazine - teenage girls. As my magazine has the same target audience as Sugar, the person on the front of my magazine will be smiling.

The colours of Rihanna's clothes and make-up match the colour scheme of the magazine; this is effective because the magazine looks more professional and Rihanna appears to fit into the style of the magazine. Also, the magazine is likely to use a colour scheme that matches it's target market's sense of style. For example, teenage girls are likely to wear the same style of clothes that Rihanna is wearing on the cover.

Position Of Photograph
The photograph of Rihanna is positioned behind the masthead; this is because the magazine isn't confident enough to cover part of the masthead with the photograph. Q magazine has a much bigger target market than Sugar magazine, therefore Q magazine is confident enough to cover part of the masthead with the photograph. My magazine has the same target market as Sugar magazine, therefore i don't feel confident enough to cover part of the masthead on my magazine with my photograph.

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